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Friday, May 29, 2020

Research of photos

Hello everyone!

Today I will show you free websites we use to search for photos for the project.

Looking for photos was a real nightmare. Why? Because I couldn't find them anywhere. I search on all free sites I know.

The first site I visited was 


This is a site where there is a really rich gallery of graphics on most topics. It is possible to download graphics for free, but if you plan to do something larger to download a lot of photos, unfortunately you have to pay.
However, I did not find a photo that would match the theme of my project.

The next page I was looking for photos is
It is also a free website for downloading graphics, video and even music. This site also has a large database that we can use, and it is also payable but it is possible to use the free period. In this case I also did not find the right graphics.

I decided to use the situation because my friend had to take test photos for the project. So we took some pictures for the cover.

These are the photos from which I chose:

Here you can see the light differences and the color of the mask. This is definitely not a good picture because I can't see any face and the perspective is not good either.

Here is a mind shot, I wanted a photo close up because most VOGUE magazines have a photo on the cover up close - close up or mind shot. The light is okay, but I also didn't like the cover.

Here you can see a slight difference of light between these pictures. The second picture is  clearer, which makes it a bad picture,the subject is too far to see at once.  I am standing on it, which is also not interesting enough. However, the first picture seems to be the most appropriate, because of the light, pose and perspective that shows my attitude and see the specific message.

The whole adventure of taking pictures was pleasant, the weather was fine, places also fit our thoughts.However, admits the work of a model is not an easy job, you have to know when and what outside will fit the location, the changes in position were still a match. But also it was difficult at first because the places where we took pictures were populated so we couldn't show off something nice. Now I see that postcards are always the most difficult, because when we were doing a lot of photos each of us was more courageous and with less stress we approached it. Ultimately, I liked posing for the camera but of course I'm not a professional. It was a great adventure and I already gained some experience.

See ya in the next posts!

Have a nice day :)


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