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Sunday, May 10, 2020

ELLE- Farfetch Has Launched A Rare Chanel Collection From The Eighties


This post will be article analysis. I would like to analyze article from Elle about fashion from the eighties. 

I will be analyze step by step not to miss anything. 

The first thing that catches the eye is the big picture which shows two female figures dressed in a chanel collection. The picture already suggests what the article will be about. This is not usually photo because it is plywood of pictures. It makes that our attention is focused twice. Something is happen, something interesting, intrigunig. The author of the photo used subdued colors, shades of beige and black. However, used a large element of red which also means that the viewer will not go past the graphics. 

I noticed that the author of the text - Amy De Klerk uses informal language, because the words are not pronounced, the author depends on a comprehensible and friendly message. The article contains quotes, due to which we are sure that the author is a reliable source of information. We have detailed and comprehensive information about the topic. For example, Amy provided specific information, such as, data and money.

When  it comes to the structure of the text, it is divided into short parts. It makes that the viewer want to read.  The article is short  and  fashion ads appear, if the viewer pulls into the subject and suddenly the article ends, it may leave no taste and disgust this magazine. Fashion adverts are annoying because they distract me, yet I know they are needed to advertise and encourage the reader.

At the end of the article, the author encourages you to buy what she wrote above. it is also accurate in providing specific prices and product images.

In the next post I will be compare the 70s and current fashion, so I invite you to
see it. 

Bye :)


Elle (2020)  Farfetch Has Launched A Rare Chanel Collection From The Eighties [Article] Available at: [Accessed 7 May 2020]. 

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