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Saturday, February 15, 2020



I would like to show you my storyboard to film.

First of all I will show you how I started to prepare storyboard.

I started by preparing a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

Then I started drawing frames:

First frame from the first scene.

This is first scene.

Here I have first and second scene.

This is the end result. 

It consumes a lot of time, especially when you can't draw but when you finish you feel pride.
It's very useful when you make a film, because we already know vividly how our scenes will look like.

So see ya in the next post!

1 comment:

  1. You could have used a storyboard template for this but this is good and you have some kind of plan with your shots that you want to achieve now - a little more explanation would have been useful here
