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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Drafts of Scripts


The last classes from Specialist Session of Media Project I we analysis our scripts and we found more inspiration.

I have to make some changes to my script but I show you first script.

I have to add some things about my characters and several movie scenes.

"YOU" from Netflix is a great example for my inspiration. 

This series is about obsessive young man ( Joe Goldberg) who think that he love the girl (Guinevere Beck). He shows a lot of emotions, such as aggression, obsessive, jealously. 
This is a thriller as well as drama. He does not let her normal live and he follow her every move. Initially she is not awareness this. 

People think that this series is funny and trashy, for example, "Addictive yes, but it definitely comes from the type of trashy thriller you would consume in one day by a pool somewhere." andThe modern version of a Hitchcock character is enough to pull us slowly into a tornado of lies and deceipt." 
However, some people think about it different, for instance, " So enticing! The suspense is amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it. It is filled with "Noooooo way's", "Whhaaaattt's". Its a soap opera on steroids. The tripping episode had me literally crying laughing." and "A solid story and solid performances." 

I have not seen the whole series yest but I will watch the whole. Now I am concentrating on the most important shot from this series.

These are the main characters:

               Penn Badgley

                 Elizabeth Lail

This series is very useful to my film, because I can seen professional shots and I find out how I can do tension and what I should pay attention to when making my video.

In the next post I show you my scripts after the changes.

 See you soon!


1 comment:

  1. I think you need to discuss your script and your shots in more technical detail please add this
