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Thursday, October 17, 2019

Project Sign off : Cruelty to Animals

This is my project sign off.

Jagoda's Project

I  begin to explanation who are people which harming  animals.

People who abuse animals are cowardly – they take their issues out on the most defenceless victims available – and their cruelty often crosses species lines. Research in psychology and criminology shows that animal abusers tend to repeat their crimes as well as commit similar offenses against members of their own species. This phenomenon is known to law-enforcement and humane professionals as “the link”. For everyone’s safety, it’s vital for law-enforcement officials and communities to treat cases of cruelty to animals seriously and to ensure that animal abusers are appropriately prosecuted and sentenced.

“Anyone  who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives.”
– Dr Albert Schweitzer, humanitarian

A study conducted by Northeastern University and the Massachusetts SPCA in the US found that people who abuse animals are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against humans.  Behavioural profiles of criminals by the FBI have consistently shown that many serial murderers and rapists had abused animals in their childhoods.

 This article was very interesting and I learn some important things. For example,  what I can do to
decrease their cruelty. I think that I  will never understand people who harming others especially animals . They are helpless and they can't defend  themselves.The people used it and makes them happy that someone or something is afraid of them.


What is veganism?
Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

I think that veganism  also has a big impact on my project, because It tries to fight cruelty and encourage others to do so.
This is a website about veganism, you can find out a lot of things there,  so I couldn't decide what to share here because this site raises a lot of problems.

Veganism also says about  the clothes we put on, the transport we use, and the breakfast, lunch or dinner we eat. This also have a big impact of animals,because some people  like clothes with some animals and they don't think this can bring suffering to this animals.This is one kind of animal cruelty.

RSPCA -the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). This  is a website where you can adopt animals and you can help them with another way.
"Our work to end cruelty also isn't just limited to England and Wales. We share our expertise around the world with those responsible for writing laws and with those who care for animals on a daily basis"-

Resources :


  1. You really should use 'text to display under your images for sources. Also you have stated what the research is again there is no really critical commentary, you have only used one source and you have not really put this into context with your work. Try to read my handout again and look at how you should add research to your blog

  2. I really your style of writing. keep doing your job.
