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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Research director's page

Looking for a Directors on Google one of the website which I found was website Stevena Spielberga. He is one of the best directors of all time.


On this website we can find out how does Steven Spielberg create his movie titles. For example doesn’t do elaborate title sequences, but only two of his films  break out of its rules  of shorts titles. 

This website examines in detail every Steven's attitude towards  his films and have a lot of facts not only his films, but also about him. This website it's made an interesting way, because contains not only written content but also video.

 In the About From Director tab Steven Spielberg found news from this website is educational and is intended to help others understand the work and the role of the director Stevena  Spielberga.

Here you can read about this website. About From Director Steven Spielberg

This website is clear and everything attracts attention. Moreover, this website is run accurately and creatively. Visually the website is made in an interesting way because everythng is clear and this has animations and has quick selection of what interests us. 
This website is also multifunctional, for example it contains  essays, video essays, guides, blog, tumbrl and recommended reading. I think that it is useful and it gives reders large choises.

People who read and viewing  this website are delighted with the accuracy and such detailed posts.

I think that this website is great , because has really much specific facts and it is educational, so a lot of people can used it. Unfortunately, there is also something that I do not like. For example,  I can not  contacts the director and the writer uses a very specialized language.

Finally I'm glad  that I found this page, because I will be able to use it in the future.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Creation my website

This week in class I started creating  my website. It  was an interesting experience because I never did anything like that.

I created my website on Wix. It is a website builder and  it has a lot of  tool selection. 
My first  step was to choose the page layout and choose background.

To create my background I used Unsplash and I pasted on my website.  I choose photo with old camera, because I've always associated movies with a classic,old camera. I loved this photo It has charm and climate.

Then I created the name of the page and bookmarks  such as : Home, Contact and About me. To make this I used option Add and Menus & Pages.

I chose the orange colour of the inscription, because I  think this is eye-catching and contrasts well with the background. I also create my full name and my profession. 

On my logo I chose  my full name in English language. I thought  that it will be a good idea, because I love my name and I want to identify with English culture. 

I think that it is good start to create my website, I will be paste  a new  posts about create my website, so you can follow my progress in creating the page.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Major project plan: Cruelty to animals

This is my plan for my project: Project Plan:Animal Cruelty

                                                              ASPCA- my inspiration

Check out this video by ASPCA about their work. It was my inspiration for my Major Project. 
This short video shows hope,that there are people in the world who want to help others and do it with pride.

I will be updating this plan every week so you can see my progress and results. I hope that this project will be interesting for you.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Research : My Major project

During watching series : Animal Cops: Huston I come up with my idea on Major project. I thought  that it is more important subject and I would like  to  inform a lot of people about this problem . Plenty of people  is no idea about this.

 I found  some blogs and organisations about animals cruelty. Fro example,

Animal Justice Project  this is organisation which deals with  the ending of animal experimentation and other forms of speciesism. They are working to create a society where all animals are treated equally, with compassion and respect, as well as an end to their exploitation in laboratories and farms.

ASPCA it is  American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Their organisation was founded on the belief that animals are entitled to kind and respectful treatment at the hands of humans and must be protected under the law.
To do Major project I used Milanote. It is practical electronic notebook for creative people .The photos I downloaded from  usplash or pixabay. 

It was great fun doing this project.

Project Sign off : Cruelty to Animals

This is my project sign off.

Jagoda's Project

I  begin to explanation who are people which harming  animals.

People who abuse animals are cowardly – they take their issues out on the most defenceless victims available – and their cruelty often crosses species lines. Research in psychology and criminology shows that animal abusers tend to repeat their crimes as well as commit similar offenses against members of their own species. This phenomenon is known to law-enforcement and humane professionals as “the link”. For everyone’s safety, it’s vital for law-enforcement officials and communities to treat cases of cruelty to animals seriously and to ensure that animal abusers are appropriately prosecuted and sentenced.

“Anyone  who has accustomed himself to regard the life of any living creature as worthless is in danger of arriving also at the idea of worthless human lives.”
– Dr Albert Schweitzer, humanitarian

A study conducted by Northeastern University and the Massachusetts SPCA in the US found that people who abuse animals are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against humans.  Behavioural profiles of criminals by the FBI have consistently shown that many serial murderers and rapists had abused animals in their childhoods.

 This article was very interesting and I learn some important things. For example,  what I can do to
decrease their cruelty. I think that I  will never understand people who harming others especially animals . They are helpless and they can't defend  themselves.The people used it and makes them happy that someone or something is afraid of them.


What is veganism?
Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

I think that veganism  also has a big impact on my project, because It tries to fight cruelty and encourage others to do so.
This is a website about veganism, you can find out a lot of things there,  so I couldn't decide what to share here because this site raises a lot of problems.

Veganism also says about  the clothes we put on, the transport we use, and the breakfast, lunch or dinner we eat. This also have a big impact of animals,because some people  like clothes with some animals and they don't think this can bring suffering to this animals.This is one kind of animal cruelty.

RSPCA -the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). This  is a website where you can adopt animals and you can help them with another way.
"Our work to end cruelty also isn't just limited to England and Wales. We share our expertise around the world with those responsible for writing laws and with those who care for animals on a daily basis"-

Resources :

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Research: School for gourmet

I looking for advert with dogs , but I couldn't  find something about this . Suddenly I found this picture on  one article on website and decided it will be good. 

Plated is an American ingredient-and-recipe meal kit service.Plated delivers meals in the form of weekly boxes that contain ingredients and also include recipes to be cooked by hand by the customer using the pre-ordered ingredients.

This image is example of advert. The author used short sentences and everything is clear.
He used colours who are eye  catching and  I think that every items fit together. This logo is big and invite  to seen this advert.The dog who is on the poster is nice and makes a positive impression. But I think that author abused red in the logo and overwhelms the whole ad. Makes us focus only on that one element instead of pressure.

I learnt what i can use to create own advert . What i can do and what i can not do. I think that in future I used to this knowladge. 

Major project :Cruelty to animals

I have been considering my project about brutality for  animals. I decided on this idea , because I want to show how some people consider animals. I would like to make more  people aware that other step on animals and I have  hope that this project move people and encourage their to action against cruelty.

 I used Milanote to save my ideas and to be able  seen my prospect . From these intial  thoughts I  will begin to start to plan my project.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Reflection

 This is our  final  advert and I think that the end result was pretty good . We  put a lot of work and creativity into it. I think that the text works really good  with image and colour with logo. Ofcourse, advertising could be better but It  seems to me that it will get better over time. I think that I will improve my writing and my photoshop skills. It seems to me that that I already use the right tools better and try to broaden my knowledge of the programs used.

Personally I'm very proud of her.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Creating My Advert

Along with my frinds with course we created our own  adverb. Below you can see our works with the final effect. 

We decided to make a restaurant advertisement for dogs because this idea seemed to us the best and most interesting of all we had.

To begin we looked a lots of images .These was from Pixabay and Unsplash.
We were looking for photos with dogs and food at the same time.
Finally  we chose  the last image, because we  think this photo reflects our idea the most.

Latter we used Photoshop and we created a new image with a pink background like this .

We chose A3  size at 300ppi and we made  the canvas landscape .

We then opened the image on this background and we create our logo.We change colour the  text and the  inscription logo. We also create the effects and we adding the text . We used the Text tool here and we  change size and  font of the text in the top menu.

Then finally we chosen our logo and we  put them on our inscription. we also used the text tool to add end credits and make final corrections.

This is the final result ! You can see my next post about reflection. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Advertising plan

This is our advertising plan of ideas .

During  last class me and Wiktoria created 3 different advertisments.
We wrote our ideas on paper.  A long time we thinking  about what we should choose ,but ultimately we chose  the second : Dogs time .We think that it is the best idea of all.
But I think too  that all ideas are interesting and creative. We spent a lot of time on all ideas. For example, we looked for a perfect photos and we were thinking about slogans and also we looked for logo.Then we had to write what where and how to put. It was very funny while thinking and looking for the right things for the project.

Monday, October 7, 2019

My Buddy

This is my Blog Buddy.

This is  Niki . she is my friend with my course.
Her blog is great, so I invite you to see him :Blog Niki

Sunday, October 6, 2019


Sequentail Clock 

by Jagoda Czop

I come up  with idea  of clocks during eating diner, when I saw clock.I changed the hour to take a sequentail.

I think that this images overwhelm me,because always when I saw hands of the clock I think that time goes by and I can't do anything about it.
This images shows  how fast time goes by.You have to enjoy every moment of life, because nothing will ever happen again.The time is fragile.

For photo I used camera on  my mobile phone and Photoshop. I changed background on white and I changed size. 

The photos presents a clocks which show specific hour, photos is clear and simply so I cannot say too much about him.

Dancing woman

This is my research about sequentail images.

Ähnliches Foto

Eadweard Muybridge was a Pioneer in photography who studies the motion.
In the 1880s, he  producing over 100,000 images of animals and humans in motion on University of Pennsylvania  in Philadelphia. 

These images is  example a sequentail .The artist used collotype process . It is photomechanical printing process. It was used for business  cards  and invitations.The author of this  process is a French chemist , photographer and  engineer- Alphonse Louis Poitevin .

I am charmed with this picture , expresses emotions , sensitivity , fredoom of movement . 
I  always associate dance with femininity, lightness, the black and white color of the picture adds sadness.

The sequentail image is combining the series of shots into one and tells the story of the movement.

I find out how create sequentail images it is not easy to take perfect images. Every sequentail tells story. 

Friday, October 4, 2019

Spinning Top

This is my groups sequential images . We took these images using a Samsung S7 mobile phone. We used normal colour image setting .We then  uploaded these images to google drive  and  shared with any group .                                                                                                                                             

We them downloaded  these to the desktop  so that we could  put  them together using Photoshop.

We them made a canvas  which was 300ppi resolution  so that  it  was printable quality. We created an A3 canvas  which is 30 X 42 cm . I then added my images Photoshop and I recenzed these to the  correct   size to  fit my canvas  and used  the transform tool to adjust. 
It was an amazing day .

Welcome to my blog

                                                         Welcome to movie bug 

I am Jagoda and I am a Polish  student at DMU  International College .  I study Media Production and I love  films  so i want to develop my interests on this blog .

Sometimes I am  shy but when i write about films which I watched I feel as it were be within action.
It is the best feel in my life.

I begin to present my favourite genere : detective film.
I think that the great example will be Sherlock Holmes .

Bildergebnis für sherlock holmes

This series is about exceptionally a smart detective , who  uses the smallest detail to analysis human as well as all things which it seems  impotrant to him. He is able to have someone  taped just only to jacked button .The plot seems interesting not only because of  unraveling mysterious  occurrence strenght of mind but also  because of actors .They are fit and characterize perfectly . This have a  huge impact on imagination . To sum up this series shows how amazing  the human mind  can be.

The character inspiration was Joseph Bell , a surgeon at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Bell was noted for drawing broad conclusions from minute observations.

However, Holmes is not always a positive character,because he is known for his obsessive personality,his deductive powers are phenomenal. Is  known to take cocaine when he cannot stand the lack of activity and he is also known to run chemistry experiments in his spare time.