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Saturday, November 16, 2019


I recently tried to record material on a B-roll.

B-roll it is extra video that considered to be secondary to your primary footage.

 This is B-roll example.

To make a good B-roll I used two website which explains how to do it.

This is amazing channel on YouTube which is run by a Polish youtuber.

Doing B-roll I used camera Sony Cybershot.

To make my B-roll I planned one day to walk on Leicester and look for interesting places and shots. Then I had to remake it in Movie Maker to every shots was perfectly glued and focus on each shot.

I learned how change speeding and how change colours to everything looked realty. 

It was fun when I try record something and other people looked at me like an unnormal but I  had a lot of fun. 

In the next post I show you my B-roll. See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. You started to explain something here but then you did not add more explanation technically your self to demonstrate you had understood this and applied it to your work.
