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Saturday, November 23, 2019

Change of my major project

Unfortunetly I had to change my major project because I had too much problems with it and when I was ready to make a movie shelters and other organizations couldn't help me.

Now I will be prepare article about cruelty of animals. For several days I was looking for information and pages that would help me in this project. It was a little difficult because there aren't many pages like this. 

I found: "National Geographic"

This website is about environment, for example animals. It contain a lot of choise articles so I can used it as inspirations. Is very detailed and accurate, even visually able to attract attention with its colors. Hoveover, this page is too general and it lacks focus on the subject.

The next website is "RSPCA".

This website is also about animlas but is a little diffrent because aims to stop cruelty. They investigate cruelty and they help animals. They also try to change the recipes for the better for suffering animlas. Unfortunately it isn't easy and  it doesn't always workout. I try to find something which does not match this page but I found nothing. This page is done very carefully and contains a lot of information.


"BBC NEWS"  contain article about koalas in crumbling Australia. This article touched me and I felt sadness and terror. I think that people are not aware of what is really going on there so I decided that my article focuses on this problem. I want to show people that this animlas are helpless and they need help to life. 

This website also presents everything in detail and contain scientist quotes I think it is good because some people trust only experts. This website unfortunately don't show we can help them and show only negative thing this problems.

I think that it is more important topic and when I saw it I felt helplessness so I want to do anything about this.

In the next post I show you how I write the article. See you soon.

1 comment:

  1. You are now very behind and you need to add detail on your research and critical commentary - consider what will the reader gain from reading this - please add more posts on your progress
