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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Creating a Biography on the website

Today I improved my biography on the website and I tried to correct it a little bit.

Firstly I chose appropriate background to do this I had to look for interesting and creative photos related to my courses. I was looking for this in tabs on this website. I found a lot of pictures but I chose this because I think that  this colours are great to see everything clearly in addition, it refers to my course.

Here I added colours and font. I chose the Georgia font and I chose the blue highlight because I think it is eyes-catching and it looks good. I also chose font : Snell Roundhand to write my Name.

In this step I added photo which presents me and I think that this photo expresses what kind of person I am every day. I chose black photo because these colours shows more emotions.

Here I created tab of my Major Project, now it is empty but in the next posts I will be add  more information about this tab. See you soon in next posts.

1 comment:

  1. Again more technical detail and more writing on your design decisions here
