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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Research of journalists

Recently, I was looking for journalists who mainly write about animals. Unfortunately, there are few such journalists but I was able to find some interesting ones.

One of them is Brittany Shammas

She is a General assignment reporter for "The Washington Post". She previously worked worked for the Miami "New Times" and the South Florida "Sun Sentinel".
The article that caught my attention was just about the hard fate of koalas in Australia. Refer to my big project.
Her article is clery and very accurate. It contains a lot of quotes and mentions of other pages. Articles are are written in a simple way so that as many people as possible can understand it.
At the end she also put in references so that readers would not limit themselves to just one article.

I think that  her article is too short and it contain a lot of  many separate paragraphs. However, anyone interested in their article because they take an active part in the comments and discuss this topic. As a consequence, I liked the article and learned many things from it, so I am positively surprised.

Unfortunately, I can't find information about Brittany, because she is not a very public person and I think he does not want people to know a lot about her just to focus on what he writes.

The other journalist I found is Reis Thebault.

He is National and breaking news reporter for "The Washington Post". He has worked on the local desks of the Boston Globe and the Columbus Dispatch. He joined The Washington Post in June 2018. About his life is also less information.

He wrote the article based on the video showing cruelty to the horse. So, it is also about my project. His article is also clery and it is wrote the simply language. Contains a lot of references to other information. It is short but has all the important information. 

In this case, you can also see the discussions of people in the comments about the article that makes the article interesting and well-written. I think that the both  articles are very similar in terms of language and style.

If you want find out more inforamtion I invite you to my references. 
In the next post I show you my work on my major project. See you soon.


Monday, November 25, 2019

Improve my website

Today I try improve my website. Below you can see my change.

As first I improved tab with contact to me and I added black colour to make it look good. I also added note about questions. I used font : Courier New.

Here I add information that if someone have any question can message to me and I chose font: Courier New because I think that it is suitable for this. Moreover, it is clear and pretty to the eye.

Today I also changed my name on website. I chosen font : Libre Baskerville and I chosen thickening effect that the letters are large and clear. 

I add also one more tab "photos" to insert process photos from my project. I want to show you how I make it. To do this I used tab with Menus & Pages.

I think it is not difficult process but it is important to do everything in turn.
In the next post I show you my website with photos. See you to next post.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Change of my major project

Unfortunetly I had to change my major project because I had too much problems with it and when I was ready to make a movie shelters and other organizations couldn't help me.

Now I will be prepare article about cruelty of animals. For several days I was looking for information and pages that would help me in this project. It was a little difficult because there aren't many pages like this. 

I found: "National Geographic"

This website is about environment, for example animals. It contain a lot of choise articles so I can used it as inspirations. Is very detailed and accurate, even visually able to attract attention with its colors. Hoveover, this page is too general and it lacks focus on the subject.

The next website is "RSPCA".

This website is also about animlas but is a little diffrent because aims to stop cruelty. They investigate cruelty and they help animals. They also try to change the recipes for the better for suffering animlas. Unfortunately it isn't easy and  it doesn't always workout. I try to find something which does not match this page but I found nothing. This page is done very carefully and contains a lot of information.


"BBC NEWS"  contain article about koalas in crumbling Australia. This article touched me and I felt sadness and terror. I think that people are not aware of what is really going on there so I decided that my article focuses on this problem. I want to show people that this animlas are helpless and they need help to life. 

This website also presents everything in detail and contain scientist quotes I think it is good because some people trust only experts. This website unfortunately don't show we can help them and show only negative thing this problems.

I think that it is more important topic and when I saw it I felt helplessness so I want to do anything about this.

In the next post I show you how I write the article. See you soon.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Research Producers

The next producer will be a women -Nell Shipman.

 She was a Canadian women filmmaker, director,screenwriter, and actor.
she made her name by producing and directing films shot on location and became known for casting wild animals as co-stars in almost all her films.

This is one of  movie trailers: 

Her career as a filmmaker took off in 1916 with the release of the film" God's Country and the Woman".This film introduced her to the  public and earned her the name "the Girl from God's Country. She became one of the first filmmakers to shoot a film entirely on location.

Her film " Back to God's Country "  released in 1919, was the most successful Canadian silent film and she became a real star.

Nell Shipman was also known for her love of animals. She had a personal zoo and some of them was wild animals. She defence and good treatment of animals on film sets.

Her films was black and white and mute. Moreover, films are also specific because she focused on the major themes she enjoyed: wild animals, nature, feminist heroes, and filming on location. 

I think that this films are interesting because of the animals but I couldn't watch this movies because I am too sensitive and I can't watch films about animals.

Saturday, November 16, 2019


I recently tried to record material on a B-roll.

B-roll it is extra video that considered to be secondary to your primary footage.

 This is B-roll example.

To make a good B-roll I used two website which explains how to do it.

This is amazing channel on YouTube which is run by a Polish youtuber.

Doing B-roll I used camera Sony Cybershot.

To make my B-roll I planned one day to walk on Leicester and look for interesting places and shots. Then I had to remake it in Movie Maker to every shots was perfectly glued and focus on each shot.

I learned how change speeding and how change colours to everything looked realty. 

It was fun when I try record something and other people looked at me like an unnormal but I  had a lot of fun. 

In the next post I show you my B-roll. See you soon.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Storyboard film

This is my Storyboard of my film.

First of all I needed a pen and blank pages to started drawing.
It was very long and hard process, I had to thought how create this and I had to take into account the details and draw each scene detail. 

Storyboard it is pictorial representation of film stills.

This is an example of storyboard which I modeled on: 

Obviously to know how make it I also used a website which help me.

 My storyboard is not prefect but I think that for the first time it went well.

I will be present the continuation of my work in the next posts so I invite you to seen.

Creating a Biography on the website

Today I improved my biography on the website and I tried to correct it a little bit.

Firstly I chose appropriate background to do this I had to look for interesting and creative photos related to my courses. I was looking for this in tabs on this website. I found a lot of pictures but I chose this because I think that  this colours are great to see everything clearly in addition, it refers to my course.

Here I added colours and font. I chose the Georgia font and I chose the blue highlight because I think it is eyes-catching and it looks good. I also chose font : Snell Roundhand to write my Name.

In this step I added photo which presents me and I think that this photo expresses what kind of person I am every day. I chose black photo because these colours shows more emotions.

Here I created tab of my Major Project, now it is empty but in the next posts I will be add  more information about this tab. See you soon in next posts.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

My trial videos

A few days ago I also borrowed a video camera and I tried to record some videos.

I record two videos and I wanted to show you but I had lots of problems. 
One of my videos was not found by the computer so I can not pass this here. I was glad when I can start the process of my first video in Move Maker.  Here you can see how I used this app. 

Here I got to know the possibilities this app. I looked for other powers. This program is useful but there are not enough options, for example I couldn't remove and insert another sound. So I couldn't also good to use this program.

Here I checked the effect of the previous action. I modified it a little bit because I removed unnecessary content glued everything so that it harmonized together.

When I wanted the pass to my blog this It turned out that I can't do it, because the file was bad. For to days, I tried to change this and make it in another app but It was also impossible, I know do not why.

So my first camera testing was not good and I spent on this a lot of time but the next time I borrowed another camera and I will try to make a new video and I will tell you how I create this in Move Maker. I invite you to next post. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Equipment testing

Today I borrow a camera video to testing this and to learn how to use with camera before I start record my major project.

I used Camera Canon FS200 and first  I read manual user instructions to know How used individual buttons.

 I also I used video on YouTube.

Now I am ready to record my major project, because I learned a lot of things how used this camera. Such as  recording, zooming in and out, setting the image light.

I think it is useful to watch tutorials and learn from them.