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Monday, June 1, 2020

Final project


The last of the posts focuses on showing you the finished project. 

Final project presented my fashion article I have been working on for the past few weeks. It was hard and tedious work that really consumes a lot of time. Frequent changes, corrections were very irritating and did not make my work easier, but in the end I am satisfied with the effect of my work. 

Check the link below.

It only presents half of the project to encourage you to check the whole.

Thank you!

Bye :)


My project-

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Preparing introduction- Wix Website

Hello everyone!

In this post I will be write about preparing introduction to my project on my Wix website.

I started to looking for interesting background, frankly speaking I found it immediately.

I found background in in darker shades and these are clouds that flow to establish the current situation in the world, or coronavirus. Gray shades show that it is bad, but dangerously flowing clouds show that everything once passes and may be the sun in the short term.
I found it in bookmarks page background, it was not a difficult and long process, on the contrary it was easy and fast.

Then I started preparing the introduction and Title. I used Add bookmark and  firstly I chose the biggest heading. 

I write VOGUE,because my magazine bears this name and a lot of inspiration derived from this fashion magazine. 

Then I started writing introduction, here I chose heading 1 so that the letters were not so big but were legible.

Here I looked at what opportunities I have to change the text. I changed the font from 22 to 17 because it was too large and the color from black to white to stand out and be comfortable to read.

In introduction I described what I prepared and why.

Then I started to insert the project. I started with the Add and More tab. There I found Embed & Website. I used this and pasted there earlier copied flipsnack embed. 

Here I put the project and the end result you can see on my website wix

The whole process was quite fast, it took me max 1 hour and it was easy enough to look in the bookmarks. Of course there are always some problems even with these easy things and in this case also. I couldn't handle the embed code from my non-page insights.

Thank you and see ya!

Jagoda :)


My website-

Friday, May 29, 2020

Creating a fashion magazine


In this post I will show you how I created my fashion magazine in

After receiving the feedback from the tutor, I started preparing the entire project, i.e. the fashion magazine.

Firstly I started to looking for photos for my cover but I didn't find any. I looking for on free application , like pixabay or shutterstock. Of course I found some photos but none were appropriate. So, I used the skills of my friend Anna Longawa and we took the photos.

When I found the best photos I started preparing the cover.
It was foreground cover, picture found on shutterstock. Fortunately, the design has changed and looks different. You will see how it changed step by step.

Here we can see the final version of the cover with slogans that are designed to interest and encourage the reader to read.  I chose a bright inscription: Vogue to contrast with the colors of the cover and be visible. In the picture I am and I have a protective mask to relate to the current situation, epidemics and poses in front of the door. It also matters and refers to the lockdown, but the styling was spontaneous. I saw what I had in the closet and connected it with myself.

Here we have the beginning of the article and the original version of the page.

Here the final effect of these first pages. I used  different fonts, unfortunately they don't have specific names so I'm not able to give them to you.

I added photos to the article so that the reader can also visually read what he reads.
Everything is in subdued colors and there is a way to make everything transparent and clear. Under the pictures I placed inscriptions indicating the place and author of the photo.

I put references and bibliographies and photo references so that everyone can check the original source.

This application made it easier for me to work on this project, but also made it difficult, because due to the large selection I could not decide but also because of some things I had to look elsewhere than on this platform. 

Here you can see how the whole project has changed.

The end result you can see in the next posts.

See ya! 

Refernce: [ Website] Available at: [ Website] Available at:[Website] Available at:



Today I will show you the equipment we worked on.

We used the Nikon camera. It is quite easy to use but to be honest I can't say much about it because I wasn't the one to use it. So what I write are only my insights that I saw during the session.

Our sessions began with the preparation of equipment, i.e. setting and taking test photos. Of course, during the session, we changed the settings to check which would be the best. We took into account the light, location and position. 

I think it's a good adventure and an opportunity to gain experience. However, not everything was great, constantly changing settings or bad photos. One thing I know, photographer's work is hard and requires a lot of creativity.

See you in the next post!

Bye :)


Research of photos

Hello everyone!

Today I will show you free websites we use to search for photos for the project.

Looking for photos was a real nightmare. Why? Because I couldn't find them anywhere. I search on all free sites I know.

The first site I visited was 


This is a site where there is a really rich gallery of graphics on most topics. It is possible to download graphics for free, but if you plan to do something larger to download a lot of photos, unfortunately you have to pay.
However, I did not find a photo that would match the theme of my project.

The next page I was looking for photos is
It is also a free website for downloading graphics, video and even music. This site also has a large database that we can use, and it is also payable but it is possible to use the free period. In this case I also did not find the right graphics.

I decided to use the situation because my friend had to take test photos for the project. So we took some pictures for the cover.

These are the photos from which I chose:

Here you can see the light differences and the color of the mask. This is definitely not a good picture because I can't see any face and the perspective is not good either.

Here is a mind shot, I wanted a photo close up because most VOGUE magazines have a photo on the cover up close - close up or mind shot. The light is okay, but I also didn't like the cover.

Here you can see a slight difference of light between these pictures. The second picture is  clearer, which makes it a bad picture,the subject is too far to see at once.  I am standing on it, which is also not interesting enough. However, the first picture seems to be the most appropriate, because of the light, pose and perspective that shows my attitude and see the specific message.

The whole adventure of taking pictures was pleasant, the weather was fine, places also fit our thoughts.However, admits the work of a model is not an easy job, you have to know when and what outside will fit the location, the changes in position were still a match. But also it was difficult at first because the places where we took pictures were populated so we couldn't show off something nice. Now I see that postcards are always the most difficult, because when we were doing a lot of photos each of us was more courageous and with less stress we approached it. Ultimately, I liked posing for the camera but of course I'm not a professional. It was a great adventure and I already gained some experience.

See ya in the next posts!

Have a nice day :)


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Writing process


Today's post will focus on my writing process.

Frankly speaking, I wrote my article within 11 hours one day. It looked quite strange, because I locked myself in the room and sitting 11 hours constantly looking for inspiration and writing. I believe that this was not responsible behavior on my part. I always thought that articles were written days or even weeks, and I wrote them in one day. However, on the other hand it was the best experience. Why Because I have proven myself that I am able to write something in a few hours and that I can focus enough to stick anything together. 

Of course, it was a match but I only felt it when I finished. It was strange, while writing as if I was in a trance, I am also looking for inspiration. I was looking because the topic of the project changed so I had to start again. I also had a multitude of doubts and depressive thoughts that I can't make it or I don't know how to write it so it would be really good. But there were also good moments when I thought it was good that I could do it and finally finished and I was proud for writing it all at once.

I wrote in a draft only so I used a regular Google document to write. Is a good and useful tool and a plus is that it saves all changes by itself. Unfortunately, I don't count words, so from time to time I pasted text into the world document.

This is a screenshot of google docs.

Searching for inspiration was also not easy, because a lot of pages wrote something different and I was afraid to find evidence that confirmed one of theses. The whole process was very busy and annoying because recently I have problems with my laptop. So every page or browser closed by itself and by writing.

I was inspired by articles about this year's fashion week and interviews on coronavirus and more. Unfortunately, it was difficult because the situation is saint so I could not support myself with books but I think and I hope that I managed this task and I am proud of myself.

if you are curious what adventures I had while preparing the whole project, I invite you to read the next posts.

See ya!



Sunday, May 24, 2020

Mind Map

Hi everyone!

I would like to show you my Mind Map which I prepared to develop my project.
while creating it I used the Canva. com application.

Canva has a very rich temples database, so there is plenty to choose from. However, many nice things are paid so we have to deal with it and not everything is free. But this does not change the fact that there is really a lot of choice not only for creating mind maps but also for other graphic things, for example, posters or iconography. By creating something we have a choice of photos and love, music, text or elemental choice which is a great solution.

My mind map presents all the tasks I have completed to create my own article. In this post, I refer to each of the entries listed.

In the center we have the inscription Vogue because my article is to be modeled on it and bears such a name. I put him in the middle as a goal. Then we have the inscription Fashion week and coronavirus, because the article is about fashion weeks in the largest fashion cities during the current situation in the world, and as viruses. I conducted in-depth research on this subject in order to have as much knowledge as possible and to have information from various sources in order to limit myself to one point of view. 
Next, I have research of journalists, because I can't imagine creating, writing an article without knowing other people who are good at it. You can learn a lot and get inspired to develop the project.  Of course, before I started this research, I had to go through hard work, because looking for the right idea is not easy and comes with time. Then I did research on fashion articles that would be most helpful in the project and I analyzed them in many angles, such as language, structure, style and visually.
I prepared a draft plan that made my work much easier, because I separated the work for weeks, so I knew what to do when I should do it. Then I continued my research and examined the photos for the article and the application she used to create this project. It was also helpful because I knew the pros and cons of the application and I already knew how to use it so the work was faster.  

And so, all these activities led me to create the article and the entire fashion magazine, which will appear in the next posts.

while doing each of these things, I will give you a multitude of time and patience, because something is always going wrong with every project, which makes us doubt in ourselves but also there are also good times in which something comes out and we are proud of ourselves. That was in my case.

In te next posts you will see the continuation of my work and finally the final result, so I invite you to see the next posts. See you soon !
