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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Creating a Character!


In the last clasess from Media Project I, we talked about creating a character in the film.

Firstly, we divided it into: INTERNAL and EXTERNAL.

Internal include three points such as Objective, Motivation and, Consequence.

*Objective it's about something what the character wants, for example, son's return who is dead.
*Motivation it's the reason why, for example, why the character wants that his son would come back, such as example is love.
* Consqunce  are in this case : being crazy, sadness and halucination.

External include also three pionts such as Effects, Behaviour, and Changes.

*Effects the like angry or tension.
*Behaviour it could be for example, depresion.
* Changes it's  affects our life. In this case have changed the medication.

The next we talked about Back story (history).

We wrote out all the pionts: 
Name, Location, Family, Friends, Interests, Education, Influences, Defining Moment, Secrets.

As the last we characteristics one of the character we like.
I chose Jonasa Kahnwald from series ''Dark'' . He is a young boy who wants find out truth about his father, because he committed suicide. It makes deeper sense, because Jonas to discover the truth he have to move in time and he feel crazy and sadness.
 His motivation was love to father, family.

So as an effects is finding out the truth and the change the world. When  he have to  moved the other worlds he  was angry and he felt lostness and deprsion. On the end he change his relation with his family and his friends, because the girl who liked she turned  out to be  his aunt. 
This series is really cool, but it' also strange and dark. Personaly I recomend you this series, because the author show different world view.


Have a good day!! 
See you in the next post. 

1 comment:

  1. Again where is your commentary on what you have learnt and how this can inform your own work
