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Thursday, January 23, 2020

Analysis '' Top Gun'' (1986)


Today during the specialist session we analysed film '' Top Gun'' from 1986.

This is our analysis:

We study step by step and we made some section such as Intro step up, Confrontation Dielma, and Conclusion Ending.

Intro step up include the first scenes, for example, lead character. In this case the main character is's Maverick who is the best  military pilot. He is very arrogant, confident, and he has higt skills.

The ''Top Gun'' it is action film which is about the man who is the best pilot and he train to refine their elite  flying skills. 

This  is the trailer which we watched today during the calasess. 

 We also made Pitching, so we have listed everything that is related to film analysis:

As the last of us each presented his idea for a film. 

This is my initial plan, of course I think about a little change. The ready plan I present in the next post that  everything wolud be clear.

So, see you in the next post.




  1. There is very little substance to this post and little technical detail - I am unsure what you have learnt here - please add critical commentary, technical points and explanation

  2. You emailed me your project plan - however you need to actually blog this - if its not on the blog its not marked. Also we have not signed off your project yet and this needs completing so you can move forward.
