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Friday, April 3, 2020

Welcome to a new Term!

Hello in New Term!

I said, since we're starting a new term, I should change something in my life. For a long time I started to interact more with fashion, when I have something different, strange, I feel good about it. 

I think it can also be part of a therapy for which no one has ever had time. When I was a younger always  in my free time I watched with my mother two television programs which I will use as an example of therapy in this post.

First porogram:

"How to Look Good Naked" 

"How to Look Good Naked" Gok Wan

This is a program run by Gok Wan, a fashion stylist who encourages both women and men to show their body in front of the camera. He help them change their lives, they felt good in their bodies without any surgery or diets, only fashion.

For a few years I forgot about this program but I remembered thinking about a new project in four walls. This program is great at helping others when they have lost faith in themselves. However, I think that I would never dare to show my body in front of the camera, for this you need a lot of courage and thus the program seems strange, maybe even controversial.

               Gok Wan

Gok Wan is a fashion stylist and award-winning TV presenter. He studied acting in Central School of Speech and Drama in London but he discovered that his true calling is fashion. 

Second program:


   Sablewskiej sposob na mode

This is video with the most beautiful metamorphoses, no, I will find a trailer anywhere but show trailer from her new program which is also about fashion and helping others in the same way, thanks to metamorphosis.

              Sablewska od stylu. Na okazje

It is a Polish program which also help women feel confident and beautiful in their body with the help of fashion. The program is run by Maja Sablewska who makes metamorphoses of women to bring beauty out of them. 

The program is brilliant, because this is not just a fashion program, it shows you how to easily change your life for the better. Maja supports and shows how to love yourself, it is important nowadays. Both programs are very similar to each other, they are actually identical. Of course I highly recommend both programs.

                             Maja Sablewska

She is one the most popular celebrity manager, image advisor, years later she gave up the stars and took care of ordinary people from both her fashion programs.

Both programs are my inspiration.

In the next post I will show you more details of my project.

See ya!


"How to Look Good Naked"-

Gok Wan-

"Sablewskiej sposob na mode"-

"Sablewska od Stylu"-

Maja Sablewska-,1696,p/maja-sablewska,2207.html

Picure 1. -,nId,1432942

Picure 2.-

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