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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Editing Film


Today I will show you my work on my film.

It was a difficult process because not everything fits in right away.
It is also a very long process due to the matching of all music, picture, hooker and colours to each other takes a lot of time. 

I used Premier pro to edited my film, this application is good in terms of editing and colours but of course like any such application is not perfect. Unfortunately, I had problems with jamming and removing the sound that was saved. 

Here I put all files on the timeline, I connected everything together and cut out what was superfluous and I try chose. 

Here I chose temperature, exposure, contrast, highlights shadows, whites and blacks to everything matched and lest the picture be exaggerated. It is very laborious and you have to pay very much attention to the details. In this case I set the temperature to -13, exposure to -0.8, contrast to 53, highlight 40, shadows 9.2, whites -17 and blacks -26. I think I chose the right one because it was not easy and I changed every time.

I added music to add a film atmosphere, it's not difficult but it requires a lot of focus and patience.
Then I cut the songs to suit the scene. 

Here I chose vignette: amount, midpoint, roundness, and feather. I spent a lot of time on it, but finally I chose not to change anything here because it is not needed.

Here I chose shades of shadows, midtones,  and highlight. Shadows and  midtones have shades of orange and the highlight has a shade of blue.

Here I chose : Faded film, sharpen, vibrance, saturation. My faded is 90, sharpen is 8.1, vibrance is 24.5, and saturation is 58.  And I chose shadow tint and highlight tint, shades of green and blue are quite similar.

Here I try add end effects, such as caption to add all cast and end the movie nicely.
Characters: Alex by Paulina Starosta.
                      Jack by Adam Szymanski.
                      Patricia by Ania Longawa 
Second Camera Operator by Dominika Egeman. 

I used the effects bookmarks which is on the bar at the top.

The whole process was very long and exhausting, along with constant problems but I think that I did the task.

In the next post I will show you my whole film.

See ya! 

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