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Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Koala's in Bushfire.

Today you can see my Major Project so, my article about Koalas.

Koala's in Bushfire.

This is my article I prepared about Koalas. 
I did it because I wanted to make people aware that a koala bear needs their help to survive. Fires that are currently in Australia make these beings die. I would love to do something about it, not be indifferent to the harm and suffering of these animals.

I think that writing about something that is of great value and so you can help is very important.
Despite, the change of the design to this article, I am boring and glad that I did it because now I am aware that I did something good for the world. And who knows, maybe someone will inspire this article.

Monday, December 2, 2019

UX Testing My Website

We've created our feedback in the last class.

UX Testing is important to have an idea of whether my site pleases others or the reader gave them pleasure and of course what they could change in it. 

This is the form which I created

I opened Google Forms and then added a title and created my first question, I clicked on the left hand drop down box and chose multiple choose questions. Later I added the options I wanted to add. I then duplicated the first question duplicate icon at the bottom of the page. Later I added two items that required a written response.

The form is already on my Wixsite, I put it in the tabs in the upper right corner. I put it there because there is easier access to it.

Here is my Feedback:

From this feedback I can see that most people liked my website and they marked excellent and few people chose good. I am very glad about it, but I was surprised by it.

Here also people say that my navigation is excellent. It is nice to see that your work pleases others and that it is not a problem for them to get there.

My portfolio is good and excellent but I think that in the following I will learn more what I could do better.

Here you can see the differences from previous feedback, because here it is divided into three views. However, most are still excellent. 

Here you can see a good majority of answers good than excellent for layout and overall design. I think that I have to wonder why it happened and what I should change to make it better.

The vast majority of users use computers rather than telephones. I 
should carry out more such tests on phones.

Here is some good and informative tips , from which I draw conclusions and try to correct everything that did not go well. 

Prepare my Major Project

Today you can see how I prepare my article about animals and exactly about Koalas in Australia during the bushfire.

This is the technical side of the preparation. I used the right page to prepare my project: Lucidpress. This website contains many useful functions and ensures a professional effect. If someone intends to start writing articles and not only I really want to use the site, also because it is easier and faster because everything we need is in one place.

First, I started with a clean page and its sizes, which is 8.5 x 11. I think these are standard dimensions.

Then I was looking for the right cover photo. It was not easy because this site offers a large selection of photos and to choose the right you need to view many such      collisions. . later I used another tab with texts to enter the title of the article. For a few moments I chose the font so that it was clear and fit.

Here I  checked the bold for "open sans" font but I do not like it and I think that this font does not match this cover so then I started looking for a different font.

Here I chose a different font " Playfair Display but this one also doesn't fit here. I decided to change it.

I finally found the perfect font " Playfair Display" but I used different bold: " Bold Oblique". Then I chose the right size so that the reader would not flinch reading this so, I used 42.

Here at last I started to create the first page of the article. I used the text tab for this and tried to choose a sufficiently large letter size. I chose 21 pt and shadow, because I think that it looks good. 

Here you can see finished first page. I added a title that tells the content and colour so that it was interesting and pleasing to the eye. One of the important things are the references I added so that every reader could use my sources. I also changed the page layout to horizontal here. 

Another page and further improvements and changes. Here I chose a photo that depicts a given story. I dragged them all over the page to make it clearer and I add  yellow caption  to people cloud see what I written them. Here also I add reference.

Here I add picture which corresponds to the story contained in the text. This page is identical to the previous ones so I can't write much about it.

This page is also similar to the previous ones but I pasted here a photo from the music video about which I write in this part of the article.

Here is my conclusion and I didn't do anything here except to add content.

The last point was finding the right picture. I think that here it wasn't difficult anymore because after the previous pages I was already skilled.

I am sorry that this post is very long but I wanted show you how complicated and it is laborious to create articles. I think that I  did quite well with it. Of course not everything was good because I couldn't find some information about this story. Choosing this topic I was guided by help and making people aware of the harm of these defenceless beings.
I invite you to read not only my article that will appear in the next post, but also other articles on this topic. See you in the next post. 


Website which I used: Lucidpress